Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Snack Time.......

Today Mommie had something really really good. She called it "sausage". MMMMM It was such goodness. She gave me bites. Just tiny ones. She says it wasnot nuff to make the Docktor mad. I donot thinks she meaned for me to steal it though. She got really mad when I swipeded it from the counter. It was really goodness. Maybe she will give me somemore later.

B-Cubed.. full


Karen said...

I gotted my fill of dat sausage. It gived me a belly ake. I decided I bedder leave it lone. Let mama eat it. It gives her a belly ake too but she had a pill she takes and makes it all better.


P.S. Thanks you for readin my page.

Anonymous said...

Chuckle. Snatching snacks is something that kitties are really good at. I'm sorry that it gave you a stomach ache, though.