I don't like it at all. As a matter of fact, I hate it. I HATE HER. But. She won't go away. Even when I HISSSSSSSSSSSS at her. She just looks at me and says, SO WHAT???? HISSSSSSSSSSS AWAY BIG BOY... SEE WHERE IT GETS YOU!!!! And she hisssssssssssses back. Geez. So we both go hide. But I did get my revenge. I ripped apart the scratchy thingy. The one my so-called Mommie puts Daddie's dirty uniforms in. HE HE HE HE. I DID I DID. So what? This is MY Mommie (Supposedly) taking HER picture. Ain't that awful?? MY MOMMIE??
B-Cubed.... PISSED.
Poor B-Cubed. You are going to have to share your Mommie now. Make sure to demand your time with your Mommie.
Bummer B-Cubed. I used to be an only cat and now I'm one of five so I can identify! Eventually they kind of grow on you and are useful for getting extra food and treats and stuff. Just don't wear yourself out hissing at her. -- Sky
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