Saturday, September 30, 2006


THAT MAN.. the Docktor said I was OVERWEIHT. Wat do that mean? Mommie say she KNEW IT. That is why she puted me on a diet. Well I donnot like a diet at all. She fat, what do she expected from me? She say they cannot feed me exceptin 2 times a day. NO matter what those kids do. If she catches them she says she will tell the Docktor on them. Geez that is too hard. I gets hungry. Then she gets mad cause I gets to begging. Especially at 3 in the night when she is sleeping she gets mad. I jumps on her head. It always wakes her and Daddy up. He gets madder than she does.

Darn it.

B-Cubed..... Hungry.

PSed. I forgotted to tell you that he SHOTTED ME. Where does that Docktor get off? HE SHOTTED ME AND IT HURT. Well that is ok. I got him back. I scratched him, and bited him too. I hope it hurt. The Jerk. Hummmph.


Max said...

They keep saying I'm overweight, too. My take on it? SO WHAT???!?!?! Let me be a couple pounds fatter than normal and give me my danged Stinky Goodness!!!

Kukka-Maria said...

OVERWEIGHT!? I'll hear nothing of the sort!

If you were a girl, I'd call you "rubenesque." Since you're a dude, I'm going with "husky."

Next time, bite her finger and tell her you can't help it--you are en emotional eater!