Sunday, December 10, 2006

I have another litter box...

Today Mommie put a second litter box and food dish in the big peoples litter box. I wonders why? I already have mine. They are being so confusing. Mommie said she is going to go pick up Mischief tomorrow. What do that mean? What is a Mischief? I don't know if I want a Mischief. I guess I's will see what it is tomorrow. You all have a good day tomorrow.

B-Cubed.... Concerned.


Anonymous said...

I hate to break this to you, but I think all this excitement and new litter box means you are getting a little sister. That can mean a lot of fun, but sometimes it's a pain in the tushie at the beginning. Try to be nice and don't growl at her too much.

Susie said...

Oh wow! Sounds like a new family member - how exciting! Twice the fun!